Bananarolls Newsletter | 04

Hello friends,

With the start of a new job, a two-week-long exhaustion cold (in which I nearly passed out cold on a train home), cleaning up the house (as everything I owned from Hong Kong had arrived), getting my partner’s birthday celebrations in order, and dealing with several issues and stresses that life likes to throw at you (doesn’t it always, at the most inconvenient times) — I had to skip out on writing up an August and (early) September newsletter. But I hope these two months have been good to you.

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Bananarolls Newsletter | 03

Hello, it’s been a while hasn’t it? How have you been? Are you eating well? Have you spent time with your loved ones? Are you happy with where you are right now?

As I write this, I look out the window to this gigantic lush tree full of bird feeders, which blocks out the hustle and bustle of the main street. Across from it, a friendly crow is perched atop the roof of the local pharmacy. The crow is here every day between 9am and 8pm, flying off to wherever its nest is before the night sets in. Maybe I can befriend it at some point during my stay here in London.

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